(044) 332-33-77(096) 050-60-60info@oracdecor.in.ua
(066) 623-60-60(063) 523-60-60Kyiv, Vernadskogo blvd 26
We are official dealers of Orac Decor stucco moldings in Ukraine
✓ Prices from stock ✓ current availability ✓ discounts for wholesalers and designers

Polyurethane skirting board

Without this decorative element it is difficult to imagine the complete image of any interior. The plinth in the collection is made of duropolymer and has not only different sizes, but also a large selection of shapes; flexible elements (flexes) are presented that will help decorate columns and curves in the interior. Most models have a cable channel, which can be useful when hiding communications or installing hidden lighting, as well as in order to hide the transition from the wall to the floor, protect the wall from cracks, and close the gap that occurs when laying parquet boards or laminate flooring.

← Arched frame3D panels →

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Корзина пуста :'(
Name Quantity
Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) × 245 = 490 UAH
Total: 1234 UAH
Stucco decor
Window sills
Attention! We are open from 9 to 18 on weekdays. Place your orders online at any time, and we will contact you.