(044) 332-33-77(096) 050-60-60info@oracdecor.in.ua
(066) 623-60-60(063) 523-60-60Kyiv, Vernadskogo blvd 26
We are official dealers of Orac Decor stucco moldings in Ukraine
✓ Prices from stock ✓ current availability ✓ discounts for wholesalers and designers

Related and consumable materials

Introducing decorative and functional touches into the space of a room requires the use of high-quality connecting devices. DecoFix assembly adhesive is the right solution for installing external and internal structures, in rooms with high and low humidity, for light and heavy profiles, for sealing seams. Our store offers mounting and joining adhesives from the Belgian manufacturer DecoFix, which are ideal for attaching polyurethane parts and decorative stucco from the Orac Decor brand.

The adhesive helps to perfectly connect and seal the seams between decorative profiles. Freezes easily. You can apply paint to the glue. Wash off with acetone or a special solution Synth Thinner . All presented types of glue are suitable for installing decorative elements of walls and ceilings.

← Ulf Moritz

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Корзина пуста :'(
Name Quantity
Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) Молдинг Gaudi Decor CR 693 (2.40м) × 245 = 490 UAH
Total: 1234 UAH
Stucco decor
Window sills
Attention! We are open from 9 to 18 on weekdays. Place your orders online at any time, and we will contact you.